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With few exceptions that are noted, I retain the ownership and copyright of the content of this website. Although titled Anyone Can Lead, this site is copyrighted in my name. I love that people want to use content and be inspired, but I must also protect my intellectual property rights.

Without My Permission

You do not need to obtain my permission as long as the use falls within the following guidelines:

  • Link back to my site and preferably to the specific post.
  • Report less than 250 words of my content onto any other site, remembering you must provide a link back to the original content.
  • Print off my posts and use up to 50 copies for internal use within your own organization.
  • Print my posts in any non-commercial publication (ie: non-profit newsletter), provided that you include this copyright notice:

© 2016-2020 Josh Ball. All Rights Reserved. Originally published at

Only With My Permission

To do anything outside the scope listed in “Without My Permission” you must first obtain my expressed written consent. Examples of things that require my permission are:

  • Use one of my posts in its entirety anywhere on the Internet, printed publication, or other non-personal use.
  • Use any content for a commercial purpose, in any format.
  • Change or build upon this work.


At this point, there are no exceptions. In the future, it is my desire to allow guest bloggers to write occasional posts. They will retain the full copyright for content they creatae.

If you have questions regarding the use of my content that is not covered here, please contact me.